Policy Statement
Docklands Day Nursery is committed to the inclusion of all children. All children have the right to be cared for and educated to achieve the best possible outcomes and to develop to their full potential alongside each other through positive experiences, to enable them to share opportunities, develop and learn from each other. We provide a positive and welcoming environment where children are supported according to their individual needs.
Policies and Procedures
- Accident incident policy procedure
- Administration of Medicines Policy
- Alcohol and Drugs Policy
- Arrivals and Departures policy & Procedure
- Asbestos Management Policy and Procedures
- Behaviour management (Children)
- Biting policy and procedures
- British values
- Children’s right
- Collection policy
- Complaints and Compliments
- Confidentiality
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Policy
- Disciplinary Policy and Procedure
- DDN EYs Model Safeguarding Policy
- Electrical and Gas Safety Policy
- Emergency Evacuation
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- eSafety
- Evacuation procedure wall poster
- Fees Policy
- Food and hygiene policy
- Health and Safety policy
- Inclusion and Equality
- Induction Policy
- Intruder policy
- Keeping children safe in the sun
- Late Collection policy
- Lost child policy and procedure
- Looked after child policy
- Managing Allegations of Abuse against Staff Policy
- Manaul-handling policy
- Medication policy for DDN
- Mobile phone
- Monitoring Childrens Attendance
- Nappy Changing and Toileting Policy
- Nappy changing procedure
- Nursery Security Policy
- Pest Control policy
- Policies and procedures contents page
- Prevent Duty and Radicalisation policy
- Privacy notice
- Prospectus for DDN
- Risk Assessment Policy
- Safeguarding policy
- Safer Recruitment and selection policy 2
- Safety checks for Docklands Day Nursery
- Send policy and procedure
- Settling in policy and procedure
- Sickness and Illness
- Sleep policy
- Social Networking
- Staff Behaviour Policy Code of Conduct
- Staff Handbook for Leytonstone
- Staff sickness and other unplanned absence policy
- Trips and outings Policy
- Visitors Policy and procedure
- Water Safety and Children
- Whistleblowing policy